Saturday, September 30, 2006
Work Day
Alicia and Brittany cleaned all the nursery toys along with completing a ton of other jobs!
Robert did the weed whacking!
PK and Alicia cleaned all the light fixtures. It's amazing how many dead flies can come down from the ceiling! Yuck!
Roger, David & Nate built and painted a railing for the back steps.
David, Mary & Maggie took care of all the windows. Barb and Cressalyn assisted with many other jobs, too!
Thank you for all the hard work! We didn't get through the list, but the place looks and smells so clean and fresh!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Check this out!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Happy Birthday, Beulah!
Today is Beulah's birthday! Her age today is the same as the number of Ken's favorite NASCAR driver!
We celebrated with cake tonight at Game Night!

And somehow a random game of "Pass the Poke" took place!
Good times.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
1000 Islands and Boldt Castle
Today we had the great opportunity to go with David & Mary on a 1000 Islands and Boldt Castle Tour. God gave a us a fantastic day for this trip! It was beautiful experience! When you come to visit us, we will do this trip...(between mid May and mid October, though!)
Enjoy these pictures!
The sun was so beautiful as it was reflected off the water. Pictures just don't do it justice!
There are actullay 1,847 islands in the Thousand Islands region. At least that's the closest average that the authorities can get!
What amazed me is that huge homes are placed on tiny parcels of land sticking up out of the water. A couple are for sale. Anybody want to go together and buy one? They are only between 1.5-3.4 million dollars.
Boldt Castle is such a beautiful place and yet maintains a sadness about the structure. You have to know the whole story of the George C. Boldt and his beloved Louise in order to fully grasp what was lost here.
David & Mary, thank you so much for sharing this experiece with us! Click here for more pictures of the day.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Picnic Part 2

Miss Ann never likes my camera!


Ruth & Judy...the "original Judy"!
(Next time, ladies, I will give you a chance to smile!!)

Carol, Bev & Jack. Bev is another one who avoids my camera!

"My Favorite Charlie!"
Saturday, September 16, 2006
All Church Picnic

Cressalyn & Beulah

John did a great job at the grill!

Mary & Macey

Doris & Ramona

Sisters Jan & Jane
We had a great time of food and fellowship at the Russells! The weather was really nice for a picnic. Not too hot and no rain! It's amazing how much food a group of Wesleyans can go through!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
19 Years Ago Today

I married the most incredible man in the world!
Thank you, Ken, for being my beloved husband!
I love you!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Games, Snacks, Laughs, Football
Tonight we had our first Family Game Night at the church! We had planned to have just a Monday Night Football theme, but interest was expressed in including other games as well. So we did!
15 people turned out for our fun night! We look forward next week! Ken and I learned a new game tonight. It's always fun to learn something new!
If you are able, come join us on Mondays at 6 PM!

Saturday, September 09, 2006
This Is Too Cool!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The First Day of School

Well, our middle child is a Junior. And our baby is a Freshman. The only one left at home with Mom is Sasha!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Who's Who?

Cressalyn has been named in Who's Who Among Outstanding Middle School Students!
We always knew she was outstanding!
Look out! She enters high school this week!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Day 3 Part 2

Grandma Pat and Amber
It was very interesting to see Pat hike up and down with only one working arm!

Tracy surprised all of us by hiking! She was a trooper!!!

This is not where Nathan slipped and got stuck, but it sure gave his mother a scare!

Most of the time this path is covered with water.

We had a great time!
The Sheltons Day 3
Today was supposed to be a washout due to "Ernesto". So we decided to do our sightseeing first thing. Following a wonderful breakfast of french toast we headed out for Greenwood Falls. We had shown this to them last November when they were here but there was a lot of snow on the ground.
Rob - King of the Mountain!

Where Cressalyn is putting her foot is the same spot that Jacob Moore had trouble with in July. Look at the difference in the water levels in just 2 months! I guess we really need some rain!

While we were climbing we were concerned about the younger children who were very anxious to hike and follow the bigger kids. Actually, we should have been concerned about the bigger kids! Ken followed the children down a steep rock and twisted his ankle. Then, when he lost his path, Nathan got stuck and then tried to cross over wet rocks. This was unsuccessful. He nearly slid down and was wedged in a cavity of the rocks! Luckily he stopped at the top of the slope and was able to brace himself against the rock as the water rushed over his feet. Rob came to the rescue and helped him get back. Whew!
It's been a good day. The rain held off until we returned to the house! Tracy and Judy were able to scrapbook some more and those that wanted to, watched football.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Day 2 of the Sheltons!
Let the Fun Begin!
Our beloved friends, the Shelton Family, have returned for a visit! Most of them came for Thanksgiving last year and this time they brought more! Rob & Tracy, their children Brittany, Amber, Destiny, & Ryan, Rob's mom, Pat, Rob's sister, Karen and her son Riley. Add them to the existing 4 Davis type people and you have a crowded house! But it's soooo full of love! 

We roasted corn in the fire! It was so good!!!