Friday, September 30, 2005

Electricity: It's a Good Thing!

Late Wednesday night a very windy storm blew in. At 9 AM we lost power. No worries. Nathan and Cressalyn were at school, Kenny was on his way to work. Ken and I can get along fine without electricity for a few hours. We have a gas stove so heating soup was a piece of cake. No worries. As the day wore on, we began to have worries. No electricity = no water. We have a well. Worries!

We have taken for granted being able to get a drink of water when we want it. We have taken for granted being able to wash our hands when we need to. But most importantly, we have taken for granted being able to flush the toilet when we need to.

Dinner was taco soup, again cooked on the stove. As the sun set we pulled out every candle in the house and lit up the living room as best as possible. It really was cozy. The kids played Monopoly by candlelight. Ken and I read books. Ken took the kids to the home of a member for showers. All in all it wasn’t a bad day, and we met all challenges head on. Until 9 PM, when discovered to our dismay that the season premiere of "Alias" was on and we were going to miss it! We have spent the whole summer watching the first 2 seasons on DVD in preparation for the new season! All the hours of anticipation! All the excitement! All to come down to the hour of airing and we have no power!

We DID get the power back on…at 10:10 PM!!! No joke!

Life brings us unexpected twists at times, right? Small things that shouldn’t matter much really can matter in the moment!

Today we went to get groceries. Simple. Wrong! First we have to drive 30 minutes to the store. Then we shopped for nearly an hour loading 2 carts full of food for 3 teenagers for a month. Ken put our new bank card in to pay for the food, and it was declined! He tried under "Debit." Declined! Ugh! Here we are with over $250 of food and our bank card wasn’t working! The next best choice is to call Kenny who is at home and have him bring the checkbook to us. So we waited another 30 minutes for Kenny to arrive. We stood there with 2 carts full trying to be out of the way while people came and went.

Kenny arrived, Ken paid for the groceries, and we proceeded out the door. Just as I pushed my cart with boxes balanced carefully through the door, the wheel on the cart hit a bump in the cement and down went the top box. Cans and plastic jars rolled into the parking lot in every direction! My cart was blocking the door as others were attempting to leave the store. Ken dashed around and he and I chased cans and began gathering them. Nothing broke or was damaged. Just my pride! What a mess this simple trip to the grocery store had become!

Oh well. According the the Beatles, life goes on. And according to Scarlet O'Hara, after all, tomorrow is another day!

What a hoot! I couldn't help but enjoy a chuckle or 2 over the upset cart! Glad it was only your pride that was damaged! What a way to make a HUGE impression on your new area! Tee Hee!

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