Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Flag poles, bon fires, shooting stars and The Big Dipper

Wow! What a week this has been! Exactly 7 days ago we were unloading our UHaul. I am still amazed that we got all of this stuff in the house! We have managed to get the majority of things organized and unpacked. I hung pictures last night. It's amazing the effect that pictures have on a home. When we took them down in Washington, we felt like we were really moving. Now that they are up, we feel like we are really home.

Today was a great day. An ordinary Wednesday for some, but a great day! We began early with prayer at the church at 7 AM while the children met at the school's flagpole for "See You At The Pole." One of the bus drivers joined Nathan and Cressalyn as they prayed for their friends and school. We had 8 in attendance at the church. This is incredible when you consider the short time we have been here!

This afternoon Ken and I drove around a bit and found Lake Bonaparte. It's gorgeous and just a few minutes from the house! The day was fantastic and beautiful! We didn't spend time at the lake but we did meet a couple who live nearby...and Emmy, their 4 month old Golden Retriever!

Tonight we had prayer meeting. 16 attended and we discussed the purpose of prayer, who we are to pray for, where we are to pray, and how to pray. Ken asked for reports on the challenge he gave on Sunday. Several reported that they are making small steps to connect with neighbors and open the doors for sharing their faith. Sunday nights we are studying "How to be
a Contagious Christian." The people are eager to know how to reach their world.

Following prayer meeting, we dug a pit and built a small bon fire. We sat around the fire and watched the clear skies and stars. We saw a shooting star! It was awesome!

As the fire was dying down and the children had gone inside, I looked toward the church from where I sat at the fire. Directly above the church was The Big Dipper. It struck me that God had placed that constallation in that place to show us that He is ready to pour out His blessings on this body of believers! It was an incredible sight!!!

I received 2 emails from dear friends in Michigan today. Both of them brought tears to my eyes as I realized how much I miss my friends. Sitting around the fire with my hubby I told him that while I miss my friends very much, I feel no loneliness. We both agree that this is huge in my life! God is so good!

I will end this for tonight. I wanted to share with you the blessings that God is giving us. We are doing very well. The kids are enjoying school and work. It's peaceful, beautiful, and the harvest is ready! Continue to pray for us! We have a great work to do and need God's strength to accomplish His will!

Hey Pastor Ken and Judy. Read your blog, and I am very happy and rejoycing for your family. Katie and I are saddend but we are excited for you also. We are doing good here and are taking the steps to plan and organize our wedding. We are writting things down and pricing them out to figure out what we need to get the wedding done in an organized and timely fashion. Well I will talk to you soon, and will be praying for you and your family. Talk at you later,
Love Katie and Ryan
p.s. School is going great.
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