Friday, September 23, 2005

I used to go to that church.

Why do so many people in our communities say those words? In every community we have lived in we have met individuals who "used to go" to the church we are a part of. Each time we have discovered that their reason for not continuing is because of another person. In other words, they were hurt by someone who was supposed to represent Christ. Hmmm.

It is amazing how a simple, uncensored statement can deeply affect another person. Often times we don't even know that what we have said has been hurtful or offensive. The damage that these words do to the Kingdom is a shame. So many people no longer attend church because they were hurt by the very ones called to love them.

In this day when we are bombarded with all kinds of choices of religion, those who know the Truth must take care of their tongues. The book of James talks about how dangerous the tongue is. It's always been a nasty tool that the evil one uses to bring down people. We can't let him use it in the church! We can't sit by and allow people to walk out the doors just because they were hurt by something we said!

James 3:9 -- With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.

How many more people will walk away from God because of us?

How true and unfortunate this is. Let us all embrace what God has for us....Let's let HIM decide where we are to be....
Wow! Been there, done that......again and again!
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