Sunday, October 09, 2005


Today we had our first dinner guests in our new home! Dr. & Mrs. Lindsey, our DS and wife, had dinner with us following the morning service. Dr. Lindsey installed Ken as pastor of the church. It was a great morning! I was very proud and honored to stand next to my husband!

Lunch was the typical "guest" dinner, lasagna and such. Cressalyn made cheesecake for desert. The Lindseys were gracious guests as the lasagna was overcooked on the bottom and the veggies were cold! The conversation was uplifting and it was a great beginning to a new relationship.

Tonight following service we had 2 couples from church over. We learned more about the history of the church and the area. We discussed hunting, building houses, children, animals, and mice and snakes in the ceiling of the church! Yes, as we were in service tonight, I noticed some movement above me and glanced up to see a mouse in the ceiling light! As I carefully touched the arm of the board member in front of me, Nathan noticed the same rodent and shouted, "THERE'S A MOUSE!" It brought service to an abrupt halt! All eyes looked up and my hand flew over to Nathan's arm in an attempt to silence him from further outbursts! Evidently this is a common thing. Mice in the ceiling. This summer they actually had a snake up there, too! Ugh!

This was a good day, mice and all. We are learning more about the people and the area each day! It's a great time!

Sorry about that mouse!

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