Monday, November 21, 2005
Thanksgiving Week
We have come up with names for the children's and youth ministries at East Picairn Wesleyan. Using the common thread of wanting to make an impact on our community on all levels, we present the following:
IMPACT Youth Ministry

K.I.D.S. Ministry
IMPACT has been meeting for a few weeks on Tuesdays. Our numbers are very small but we have a great time.
We are having children come with friends each Sunday. We are dividing Sunday School a bit more so that we can encourage more to come! Things are really happening! We have our bumps in the road now and then, but overall, we are on the same path heading for the same goal: to impact the lives of those around us for Christ! His kingdom will grow!
They are calling for snow this week. We pray that it will hold off until Ken's folks and brother's family arrive Wednesday. I don't want them to not be able to get here!
The week will be busy. If I don't get to tell you on Thursday, please know that we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!