Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!

Today is the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior! It's been a great day! I always look forward to Christmas Day! We had a good Christmas Eve service last night. Fairly well attended, too! The weather has warmed up so the snow is melting and no one was hindered by weather to get to church.
Several families had family in from out of town so we had a lot of faces who are new to us. It was great to meet everyone!
We enjoyed the day with a family who had no where to be today. The kids all played out in the melting snow. It makes great forts now! Nasty snowballs, but fun anyway! We watched a couple movies and relaxed! It's nice to be with family and friends!
Both the Davis Family and the Sheets Family have spent time together without us this season. It's good to know that they all have been able to be together, but at the same time it is a bit sad for us knowing that our families are having fun without us. My mother and brother assured me they weren't having any fun at all because I wasn't with them. I know this to be true because my mother NEVER lies to me! Not even in fun! (Yeah right! I heard the laughter in the background!)
I took some pictures, but since Santa couldn't locate a digital camera in his price range I had to use my 35mm. They will be available when they get developed.
The kids head for Boston Wednesday. They are packing and getting really excited! I am so glad the kids are so well adjusted and able to handle going with others they don't know. Some kids would never do this and here ours can hardly wait! God is so good!
We send greetings to all of you! We love you and pray the Lord's blessings upon you in the coming New Year!