Thursday, February 02, 2006


I want to thank you for your encouraging calls and emails over the past week. It's great to hear from so many friends! I truly am blessed! My back is all better now. That is unless I do something stupid. I knew everything would work itself back to normal. It just really took a long time this time!

My beloved husband and I have embarked (once again) on the road of weight loss. This is a "huge" (no pun intended!) issue with us. Over the past 18 years of marriage together we have gained 235 lbs. That's a whole person and then some! So, we are setting out to lose a person, together. This person we have named "Atalanta" which comes from the Greek (Atalante) meaning "equal in weight", derived from (atalantos) a word related to (talanton) meaning "a scale, a balance." In Greek legend Atalanta was a fast-footed maiden who refused to marry anyone who did not beat her in a race. She was eventually defeated by Hippomenes, who dropped three golden apples during the race causing her to stop to pick them up.

Now, Ken and I are equal partners in our marriage, therefore we share this battle, equally. The scale is bothersome to us, but we need a balance in our lives. I find it very interesting that Atalanta was defeated by a "Hippo" because she stopped to pick up a "food item." I know the apples in the legend are golden, but so are Golden Delicious Apples! They are healthy food items, but the picture is that she was defeated by food.

So we have decided to share this journey to lose Atalanta with you! Soon we will post our before pictures. (They have to be developed!) We will document our progress and give you updates on Atalanta's demise.

Please encourage us, pray for us, and even partner with us as we watch Atalanta disappear!

Good for you guys! Putting it out there for everyone to see will help hold your feet to the fire, so to speak! You have my blessing!

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