Friday, March 31, 2006

The Ladies

Ok, I'm not sure if I have shared this with you. The 2 young gentlemen in our home are in fact...
twitterpated. While this phenomenon is completely normal, natural and expected, living with them is very interesting. Something has happened to them. Here's some examples of what I mean:

1. One left ingredients out of a recipe.
2. One followed instructions of a task exactly opposite.
3. Both jump at the phone.
4. One apologized to the other for being the annoying sibling in the background.
5. Both are very protective of the ladies.
So I thought that I would share a photo of each of these special ladies.

The first one is of Kenny and his Sarah.

The second one is of Cressalyn and Nathan's Cortney. We haven't yet had a chance to take one of Nate and Cortney together. It's coming soon.

Those of you who have lived through these adventures, if you could offer any guidance as to how to deal with the loss of brain activity of the gentlemen, I would greatly appreciate it!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What a Hoot!!!

Our Resident Pirate!
I don't remember ever being a part of a donkey basketball game! I'm so glad we took this opportunity! Nathan was hysterical! Over and over he exclaimed "This is soo funny!" In 2 years he will be a senior and he said, "I will be on one of those donkeys!" As the Pirate mascot he got to stand on the sidelines for the game. Then at half time he was able to get on a donkey! Here are some photos from the evening.

By the way, the seniors beat the firemen, 38 to 36.

The Donkey came in and rolled on the ground! I'm not sure if this was planned but it was too funny!
Cressalyn and some friends!

These donkeys sure lived up to their reputation of being stubborn!

Our Pirate aboard a donkey!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sackets Harbor, NY

When I first really knew that Sackets Harbor existed I lived in Brunswick, GA. God sent 2 people into our lives who happened to live in Sackets. Jim Kane went to Brunswick for training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) for many weeks. Tish, his wife, came for a couple of those weeks and we began a lasting friendship.

Yesterday I had the chance to go to Sackets Harbor with a new friend, Mary Beth. We had lunch at a nice little restaurant and shopped at a couple local stores. We also stopped at this beautiful park that has been restored in the last decade and looked over the water. The day was overcast but these pictures really turned out beautifully!

I look forward to returning to this park with my family to learn about the details of the battles here during the War of 1812. There are building that have been restored. It will be a fun time!

Thanks, Mary Beth for a wonderful day! (Sure wonder what ever happened to the fish!!)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Donkey Basketball Game

This coming Monday night, the 27th, there will be a donkey basketball game at Harrisville Central School between the seniors and the Harrisville Fire Department. Nathan will be the mascot "Pirate" for the game. In discussing this term, "donkey basketball", with Nathan, he had some very interesting things to say. In his opinion there would never be donkeys allowed in the school gym for 2 very important reasons. 1) People are allergic to "donkey dander" and 2) Donkeys poop and that would ruin the gym floor.

Now, Ken and I were laughing tremendously with his statements that he so firmly believes. Because of our laughter Cressalyn is convinced that we aren't telling them the truth about this. We seem to be making this up! We tried to get them to wager on this issue, but we have taught them to never bet on things.

Nathan and Cressalyn haven't been exposed to anything like this and so cannot fathom the idea of someone playing basketball on the back of a donkey. So there MUST be another explaination to this game. Nathan thinks that someone was just lazy and couldn't come up with a better name so they called it "donkey basketball."

Ken and I have decided that we WILL be attending this game just to watch our children react! Trust me, I will have pictures!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Nate's First Shave

Yes, I took a picture! He's ok with me sharing this with you.
And this is Sasha, mid yawn!
Now that I have my camera, pictures will be more prevelant! Yeah!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Here it is!

Ok, see, I went for a haircut. I told the hairdresser I wanted to go drastic. So we did! 11 inches laters, this is the shortest it has been in 10 years! So the sides don't look as short, but the back really is!

When I got home to show my beloved, I was nervous. He loves long hair. His reaction was pretty much what I expected. He loves me regardless, but he doesn't like my hair short.

Tonight at youth meeting several of the teens said they liked it but preferred it longer. It's really a shock, I guess!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I finally got a digital camera!

Yes, I now have a camera. But it seems Blogger is having a bit of an issue. I can't upload any pictures!

I will do that as soon as I can!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Fall of Nathan

At about 2:30 AM today, Ken heard a loud thud and a holler come from the boys' room. Nathan had fallen off the top bunk. Within a minute or two Nathan was friends with the toilet. Based on that and his report of neck pain, Ken rushed him to Carthage Hospital for treatment. They x-rayed his neck 7 times and declared nothing to be broken. He was given meds for the nausea and sent home to the couch for the day.

He's doing well this afternoon. He's got a pretty nasty scrape on his back, but we cannot identify what he rubbed against on the way down. He's a tough cookie. Today, the History Channel will be his best friend!

Atalanta update: It's not good. Atalanta has gained 12 of the 32 pounds back. I know she will have ups and downs. But we REALLY need her to go away!! Help!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Have You Ever...

Have you ever experienced the presence of God in a worship service? Have you ever witnessed a body of believers from various backgrounds and denominations worshipping the Lord together?

Tonight we had the first of 5 community Lenten services. 5+ denominations were represented. The official count was 94! 24 were teens! We had an 11 member praise team made up mostly of teens. It was an incredible time in the presence of the Lord!

Pastor Brendon Hardy from Norfolk Wesleyan Church spoke this evening. He did an awesome job bridging the generations with his message!

Tonight we worshipped as a community. Tonight we worshipped as brothers and sisters in Christ. Tomorrow, and all tomorrows to come, we will work to spread the love of God with the rest of the community!

Pray for us!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Atalanta...4 Weeks Later!

Atalanta is down 32 pounds!

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