Friday, March 31, 2006

The Ladies

Ok, I'm not sure if I have shared this with you. The 2 young gentlemen in our home are in fact...
twitterpated. While this phenomenon is completely normal, natural and expected, living with them is very interesting. Something has happened to them. Here's some examples of what I mean:

1. One left ingredients out of a recipe.
2. One followed instructions of a task exactly opposite.
3. Both jump at the phone.
4. One apologized to the other for being the annoying sibling in the background.
5. Both are very protective of the ladies.
So I thought that I would share a photo of each of these special ladies.

The first one is of Kenny and his Sarah.

The second one is of Cressalyn and Nathan's Cortney. We haven't yet had a chance to take one of Nate and Cortney together. It's coming soon.

Those of you who have lived through these adventures, if you could offer any guidance as to how to deal with the loss of brain activity of the gentlemen, I would greatly appreciate it!

lock them up :)
to bad they both ended...
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