Thursday, August 24, 2006
What Are YOU Allergic To?
There are 2 white birch trees at the front corners of the house. Rag weed is across the street. Pine trees are all around us. Cats we DON'T have and that is a good thing.
Sasha isn't a very bad issue and we are grateful for that! Cressalyn can't have her on her bed or hold her. It's all good.
She is actually allergic to many things and will begin getting allergy shots in the next week. We are all very hopeful that this will help relieve her stuffiness, coughs, and itchy eyes. She has lived with all this for so long!
Thank the Lord for medical knowledge and medicines!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
It Is Done
We left Greensboro, NC at 6 AM this morning. As we drove I napped since it was very late last night when I finally fell asleep. Ken and Kenny communicated non stop via cell phones which assisted in keeping both of them awake and on the road. I heard bits and pieces of the comments. My mind, in its sleepy state, floated back over the past 18 years.
My first experience with pregnancy. My first days of labor. Yes, DAYS! 56 hours to be exact. The words from the doctor, "It's a boy!" Ken's words to me, "Kenneth, Jr.!" The proud eyes behind the surgical mask.
Taking this precious little wonder with tiny bird legs home. Watching him grow. Learning the hard way of his milk allergy...poor boy! Hearing his excited squeals when the white sailor's hat would walk in the door. Celebrating his first birthday by tearing apart the engine of a Renault Alliance.
Watching and listening as this little boy with a round belly dressed in "jams" and a t-shirt stand on the hearth of the fireplace and "preach" and lead the singing of "church." Seeing him tell everyone his favorite phrase, "Cool Dude!" with thumbs up. Hearing from his Papa that he was so brave after cutting open his lip when he drove his "bike" down the steps to the garage.
Seeing him try so hard to follow where we were pointing to see his cousin, Stacia, through her hospital window to blow her a kiss. He wasn't allowed to see her in person due to a chicken pox scare.
Watching him meet his baby brother for the first time and beeping "Navey's" nose. Giving Nathan his first nickname...Navey. Listening as he would teach Nathan how to play cars.
Rushing him to the ER a month prior to his 4th birthday when he fell off the top bunk and his head on the toy box. Ask him to show you his "V."
Seeing him proudly hug and kiss his new baby sister. What a special helper he was! Hearing him loudly proclaim at the zoo that the baboons have big butts!
Sending him off to his first day of kindergarten. Then first grade. Second.
Sitting with him through the JESUS Film and asking him at the end if he wanted to ask Jesus into his life. Hearing his heartfelt, firm reply, "Mommy, I already DID that!"
Watching him grow in the Lord. Seeing him praying with his friends. Hearing him pray for his family.
My baby, my boy, my son, is a young man. God is in the center of his life. He is pursuing his education at a Bible school. He is answering God's call on his life.
Kenny, I am so proud of you! I love you!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
A Night of "Lasts"
2. Last night in Kenny's bed. His room will be altered from a double to a single so that Nathan will have more breathing room.
3. Last meal....fried egg sandwiches and enchilladas.
Last meal? Yes. It's MY last meal. No, I am not being executed any time soon. Tonight is my last SOLID meal. Tomorrow I begin....THE CLEANSING!
Guess what happens to me on Tuesday!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Too Close For Judy's Comfort!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006
VBS - Bethlehem Marketplace

The man in the burlap is actually a beggar. He's been hovering at the fruit market and following the bread maker.
Friday is the final day. We will celebrate with a picnic lunch complete with hotdogs! Right. We aren't following Jewish traditions very closely.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Oh, Make It Go Away!
What would it be like if you actually did cough up a lung? Would it be inside out? Could you swallow it back down into place? If you coughed up one would other stay in place? Did the saying "Cough up a lung" come because someone actually did? Was it just a piece or was it the entire lung?
Pray for us.
Especially for Cressalyn.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
It's Official!
I have to share with you this moment from today. Each morning we have the kids divided into 2 groups. One group comes to us first and then they break for snack and then the second group comes in. Today's snack was a 4 pack of Oreo cookies. Ricky, one of the boys, came to me and offered me an Oreo! Bless his heart, he remembered that my favorite cookie is an Oreo! Well, this started an outpouring of love from the kids! I ended up with nearly a dozen Oreo cookies! I was blown away!
We have had a great the services! (Sickness and heat has made this a difficult week!) We have watched these kids grow over the past 4 years! Some we met this year for the first time. Others have graduated to the youth program. The staff here has been wonderful! They added a doctor on the campus for camp and she has been a blessing! The accommodations have been the best!
Friday is our final day here. We will end with the kids singing at the tabernacle and then our final service. We plan to begin the trip home following service.
Continue to pray for us! We have felt them! We need to get home yet!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Wednesday at Bay Shore Camp
The services have been wonderful! These kids really know what it means to worship! 114 kids have been with us, although not all at the same time. Our highest attendance was Monday - 98! Tonight should be another high night.
Cressalyn, "Spark Plug", is really struggling physically. She and Judy have seen the doctor who is on the campground. They have antibiotics, but Cressalyn still struggles. Her lungs are a mess. Please continue to pray for her.
Ken is fighting off this crud, too. He refuses to admit that he is getting sick or is already sick. We think he's just in denial.
Nathan continues to be the strong, healthy one, for a change! This is a real switch! He is dealing with a bit of sunburn from the beach trip yesterday. Overall, he's holding his own. He did find out on Monday night that his regular speaking voice registers 100 decibals! We knew he was loud!
The truck was in the shop last week at teen camp and has just returned for the shop here. The alternator we had put in last September prior to our move went bad. So we were able to replace it, but still had to fork over money for the labor. Ugh. Anybody got a horse we can use?
As our time winds down here in MI we hope to get rested up for the trip home. The camp has provided us with a very nice large, air conditioned room for our stay. That has been a huge blessing! We will return home on Saturday.
Thanks for your continued prayers!