Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today we shared the parade, turkey, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls, veggies, gravy and Waldorf Salad! After dinner the dads took a nap! Then we drove to High Point to see Grandma Story.
What a delight! She is so precious! She spent the day at my Aunt Becky's and returned just as we arrived at her place! She
was tired from the day's events but said, "It's a good tired!" Mom, Cressalyn and I helped her get into her night clothes and into bed. Grandma told us that she's still not sure why God hasn't called her home. I told her there was still wallpaper that needed to be done on her mansion. Then she said with a twinkle in her eye, "Maybe Daddy isn't finished painting!"

It was a joy to hear her talk of Heaven! She told each of us that she is praying for us and watching to see the kids grow and the direction God leads them. She told Ken she prays for his ministry. That is so awesome!
We don't know how many more holidays we will have with her in this world. Grandma said she feels this is her last Thanksgiving. We'll see.
I am so thankful for a godly heritage! I am so thankful that my children are all serving the Lord!
Thank you, Lord!