Wednesday, December 06, 2006
December 6, 1932
74 years ago, the man who was my first love, was born. My father, Jim Sheets, celebrated the day with his wife, my mother, who took him to a "quaint" Italian restaurant for lunch.

Paul, the eldest of the Sheets children, had a great idea of sending Dad a card that all 3 of us had signed. So he purchased one, signed it, and mailed it in a separate envelope to David.

David signed the card, then addressed the envelope of the card, placed a stamp on it and forwarded it on to me.
When I received it Monday afternoon I knew that mailing it Tuesday wouldn't be enough time to get the card to Dad by Wednesday. So I signed the card and placed the card, its envelope complete with stamp, into an overnight postage mailer and sent it to NC via the Post Office "red-eye." (actually my hubby did the mailing.)
So Dad received the card today on his birthday. Paul came up with the idea. David assisted in the process. I insured it's timely arrival. Our gift to our Dad.
But wait! There's more! I set up a conference call for all 4 of us for 9 PM tonight! So we all dialed in and had nearly an hour of fun conversation with each other! It was a blast! I am part of a wacky family!
Thank you, Dad, for being our Dad! Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad! Thank you for loving us! Thank you for loving Mom in front of us! Thank you for teaching us to love God!

David signed the card, then addressed the envelope of the card, placed a stamp on it and forwarded it on to me.
When I received it Monday afternoon I knew that mailing it Tuesday wouldn't be enough time to get the card to Dad by Wednesday. So I signed the card and placed the card, its envelope complete with stamp, into an overnight postage mailer and sent it to NC via the Post Office "red-eye." (actually my hubby did the mailing.)
So Dad received the card today on his birthday. Paul came up with the idea. David assisted in the process. I insured it's timely arrival. Our gift to our Dad.
But wait! There's more! I set up a conference call for all 4 of us for 9 PM tonight! So we all dialed in and had nearly an hour of fun conversation with each other! It was a blast! I am part of a wacky family!
Thank you, Dad, for being our Dad! Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad! Thank you for loving us! Thank you for loving Mom in front of us! Thank you for teaching us to love God!