We had a wonderful time at The Gathering in Orlando! I told a friend it was a huge blast from the past! So many faces of those who were part of our lives as kids, teens, in college, and throughout our ministry! It was a wonderful time to catch up with so many people!
We have seen Tim Hawkins, who is a Christian comedian, before at a Children's Pastors Conference. We have a DVD and CD of his, too. It was a great surprise to find out he was going to be at The Gathering! We laughed and laughed! Then after the service I asked if he would be willing to let us get our picture with him...for our kids! He agreed! My he's tall!
Robin Mark was the worship leader for the conference. Now, I had come across his name before but really hadn't made a connection with him and his music. Boy, do I have one now! He's awesome! He's from Ireland and has written many worship songs including one of our most favorite, "Days of Elijah." I now have other favorites that are his!
Ok, I'm not one for lizards of any size. This one was on the palm tree just outside our room. There were several the nearly got stepped on by my feet. That would not have been a good thing, in case you are wondering.
This is a dragon fish. He lives in a tank at a Chinese restaurant we visited. Personally, he's got quite a look about him. He's also very large. The picture doesn't do him justice! My sister-in-law, Sally, thought he was so very sad about living in his close environment. He's always frowning!
This bird was on a car outside the Chinese restaurant. I tried to walk slowly toward him, but he would walk slowly away from me. He flew over to this car, but landed on the door frame and then SLID to the hood! What a hoot!
Norm & Penny are in our district.
Cheri & Randy are in MI at the church we were at before we came to NY.

Larry & Circe are in our district, too.

Wayne & Amy are in MI. We worked with them 2 churches ago.

Garry & Martha are in MI, too. They are some of the dearest people you could ever know! 
Martha's gonna get me for this one!
We are glad to be home. It was good to get away. Let the new year begin!