Thursday, April 05, 2007
Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall
For anyone familiar with the Davis family, you will understand how serious a FALL is to us. For those of you new to us, let me sum up. Ken fell 20 feet October 13, 1988 and broke his back. So if ever my beloved is off the ground more than 6 inches, I nearly go into convulsions.

The call in 1988 came to me at home. The call YESTERDAY came to me at the church. Yes, I received a call from Ken that he had fallen. I was so impressed with how calm I was, how collected I remained. Instantly I could tell he was in trouble, just by the sound of his voice. "You have to come meet me." First thought was that the truck had quit. "I fell" were the next words.
In short, Ken had taken a large piece of furniture that no longer was useable to the garbage transfer station. The tailgate of the truck took a lot of effort to open and as it came open, Ken lost his footing and FELL INTO THE GARBAGE TRUCK!
Now, looking back and replaying the picture I have created in my mind, it is quite the funny story! What I would have given to have a video of this event!! At the time, though, he realized he was hurting. Luckily there was garbage in the truck and he landed on that instead of the metal bottom. He messed up his left foot and ankle in the process, though.

Today the swelling and the discoloring is WAY worse! They say it's normal. It sure doesn't look normal!!

The radiology reports a heel spur and swelling but no fracture. I guess that's good.
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Hi Pastor Ken and Judy,
Just stopped in to say hi. That looks painful!
Hope your family has a great Easter celebration!
Pastor Joe
Just stopped in to say hi. That looks painful!
Hope your family has a great Easter celebration!
Pastor Joe
Hey Robin,
B.R.A.T. won't work here, but R.I.C.E. would. That's Rest, Ice, Compression (Ace bandage), and Elevation (not your altitude, but keep the foot above heart level to keep swelling down).
Sorry for the mishap, Ken. Will you deliver the Easter message from a stool (not Stevan's kind)?
Looking forward to Kenny's visit tomorrow night.
Love, Bea
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B.R.A.T. won't work here, but R.I.C.E. would. That's Rest, Ice, Compression (Ace bandage), and Elevation (not your altitude, but keep the foot above heart level to keep swelling down).
Sorry for the mishap, Ken. Will you deliver the Easter message from a stool (not Stevan's kind)?
Looking forward to Kenny's visit tomorrow night.
Love, Bea
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