Thursday, June 07, 2007

Spaghetti Sauce

Tonight we had a spaghetti dinner to raise funds for youth and kids camp. We held it at the fire hall in Harrisville. Even though our turnout was less than we had prepared for, the income was very helpful!
Nora did a fantastic job as our cook! Thank you so much for giving of your time and talents! You are a blessing!

After we got everything cleaned up and returned home we proceeded to place the leftovers in the freezer for future use. We were lacking containers for the sauce so we used Ziplock bags. They were transported home with no problem so Cressalyn took them downstairs to the basement to the large upright freezer. Then there was a loud cry from the basement. She needed immediate help.

When I got to the guessed it. One of the Ziplock bags decided to pop open. Spaghetti sauce was ALL OVER the freezer and the items in it! UGH! What a mess!

So what is the lesson that was learned tonight? When you have a dinner for a large group of people, anticipate leftovers and be prepared with STURDY containers!

Oh My! That would so happen to me--but I'm glad it didn't!
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