Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Marshmallow Paintball 2007
Well, we planned for many more people than actually came. But the 7 of us enjoyed ourselves!
I love this shot!
It appears that PK & Cressalyn were favored targets!
Nathan and MaryBeth having a strategy meeting.
Brandon....is that any way to treat her?
Look out MaryBeth! Cressalyn's on a mission!
Run Jordan!
Everyone for themselves!
Even at close range, MaryBeth often missed her targets!
Poor Cressalyn!

Yellow Cressalyn.
Brandon, Jordan, Nathan & Cressalyn had a blast whipping marshmallows at PK and Miss MaryBeth as well as each other! We are grateful that this year the rain held off. Everyone was messy, but not nearly as messy as last year!

Brandon, Jordan, Nathan & Cressalyn had a blast whipping marshmallows at PK and Miss MaryBeth as well as each other! We are grateful that this year the rain held off. Everyone was messy, but not nearly as messy as last year!