Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year!
Well, 2005 draws to a close in a few short hours. Our year has ended like many others in the past...travelling! Kenny, Nathan and Cressalyn went to Boston for the LOGOS5 youth convention. Ken and I took the time to go on to his parents' home in PA. We enjoyed being with family for a few days.
Both of Ken's brothers and their families joined us Thursday night for Christmas dinner at Mom & Pop's. Then Friday we all (minus Rod) went to the Green Dragon (a farmer's market) and Cabella's. At Cabella's we met up with MY brother, Paul and his wife, Sally, and their daughter, Sher. It was so wonderful to see everyone!
We returned to NY today to wait for the buses to arrive with the children so we could continue home. The kids have shared so much of their experiences! They had a great time! We are so grateful for the Lord's protection over them as we have learned about some moments that could have turned out differently. All in all it was awesome!
We begin 2006 with the focus on the Word of God. The Wesleyan Church has challenged all of us to read the Bible through this year. In fact at each area convention, each teen received their own copy of "The One Year Bible." As a church we will be reading through the Bible as well! Join us! You can find the readings for each day at
May the Lord bless you and guide you through the coming year! Seek Him! He's there!
Both of Ken's brothers and their families joined us Thursday night for Christmas dinner at Mom & Pop's. Then Friday we all (minus Rod) went to the Green Dragon (a farmer's market) and Cabella's. At Cabella's we met up with MY brother, Paul and his wife, Sally, and their daughter, Sher. It was so wonderful to see everyone!
We returned to NY today to wait for the buses to arrive with the children so we could continue home. The kids have shared so much of their experiences! They had a great time! We are so grateful for the Lord's protection over them as we have learned about some moments that could have turned out differently. All in all it was awesome!
We begin 2006 with the focus on the Word of God. The Wesleyan Church has challenged all of us to read the Bible through this year. In fact at each area convention, each teen received their own copy of "The One Year Bible." As a church we will be reading through the Bible as well! Join us! You can find the readings for each day at
May the Lord bless you and guide you through the coming year! Seek Him! He's there!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!

Today is the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior! It's been a great day! I always look forward to Christmas Day! We had a good Christmas Eve service last night. Fairly well attended, too! The weather has warmed up so the snow is melting and no one was hindered by weather to get to church.
Several families had family in from out of town so we had a lot of faces who are new to us. It was great to meet everyone!
We enjoyed the day with a family who had no where to be today. The kids all played out in the melting snow. It makes great forts now! Nasty snowballs, but fun anyway! We watched a couple movies and relaxed! It's nice to be with family and friends!
Both the Davis Family and the Sheets Family have spent time together without us this season. It's good to know that they all have been able to be together, but at the same time it is a bit sad for us knowing that our families are having fun without us. My mother and brother assured me they weren't having any fun at all because I wasn't with them. I know this to be true because my mother NEVER lies to me! Not even in fun! (Yeah right! I heard the laughter in the background!)
I took some pictures, but since Santa couldn't locate a digital camera in his price range I had to use my 35mm. They will be available when they get developed.
The kids head for Boston Wednesday. They are packing and getting really excited! I am so glad the kids are so well adjusted and able to handle going with others they don't know. Some kids would never do this and here ours can hardly wait! God is so good!
We send greetings to all of you! We love you and pray the Lord's blessings upon you in the coming New Year!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
This has been a very difficult question to answer. It has been asked by so many down through the years. Why does God allow things to happen to us?
We received news today that Ruth, our retired pastor's wife/neighbor, got a bad report from a biopsy from her doctor today. It's devastating them. The good news is that is seems to be contained. They are now faced with the options of where to go from here. They will have some time to make their decision, but it's so difficult to watch someone deal with this kind of news. Please pray for Ruth and John. They are dear people who have served the Lord all their lives.
These are nasty things that plague people of all ages! I came home from church Sunday morning with one. I had run out of the medicine that kills the effects of the migraines but had gotten a sample of another drug. Our insurance company will not cover Relpax, which works. So I have to "fail" Axert first. They also want me to try 2 others. One I have tried in the past and had severe side effects with it. The other triggered a heart attack in my father one year ago. So, no, I don't want to take those. I did try this Axert. Nothing. No side effects, but no relief.
Ken went to service last night without me. He called the LBA together at the end to just inform them of this situation. He was ordered to get the prescription filled without the insurance. They would cover it! It's $200 for only 12 pills! This is aweful! But we are so grateful for our people who are caring for us! We truly are blessed!
So, even when we go through difficult days, trials, sickness, disease, God is with us and takes care of our needs. God is so good!

By the way...the Christmas tree picture is being included. It's a sad picture because of the stinky quality of the tiny camera we have acquired for free. Hopefully Santa will have an extra one to send my way for Christmas!
I'm still waiting to see pictures of your trees!
We received news today that Ruth, our retired pastor's wife/neighbor, got a bad report from a biopsy from her doctor today. It's devastating them. The good news is that is seems to be contained. They are now faced with the options of where to go from here. They will have some time to make their decision, but it's so difficult to watch someone deal with this kind of news. Please pray for Ruth and John. They are dear people who have served the Lord all their lives.
These are nasty things that plague people of all ages! I came home from church Sunday morning with one. I had run out of the medicine that kills the effects of the migraines but had gotten a sample of another drug. Our insurance company will not cover Relpax, which works. So I have to "fail" Axert first. They also want me to try 2 others. One I have tried in the past and had severe side effects with it. The other triggered a heart attack in my father one year ago. So, no, I don't want to take those. I did try this Axert. Nothing. No side effects, but no relief.
Ken went to service last night without me. He called the LBA together at the end to just inform them of this situation. He was ordered to get the prescription filled without the insurance. They would cover it! It's $200 for only 12 pills! This is aweful! But we are so grateful for our people who are caring for us! We truly are blessed!
So, even when we go through difficult days, trials, sickness, disease, God is with us and takes care of our needs. God is so good!

By the way...the Christmas tree picture is being included. It's a sad picture because of the stinky quality of the tiny camera we have acquired for free. Hopefully Santa will have an extra one to send my way for Christmas!
I'm still waiting to see pictures of your trees!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Christmas Time is Here!
We had our Sunday School Christmas program this morning! Well, it wasn't anything like we had ever participated in. Various people sang songs, read poems, and the like. It really was neat to see all the talent that our congregation has!
Nathan played "Silent Night" on the piano. Kenny sang "Mary Did You Know?". Judy sang "We Are the Reason." (the oldies are still goodies!) Ken & Judy did a tandem storytelling titled "No Iguanas Allowed." We had done that our first Christmas in Washington, MI and from then on we had to put an iguana into our Christmas Eve story. So this year, we introduced the iguana to our new congregation!
Cressalyn was supposed to do a flute special but left her flute in her locker at school. Bummer.
I wish we had videotaped the service. It was good! 4 year old Noah sang "Go Tell it On the Mountain" with his daddy. The elementary Sunday school class worked puppets and sang. One of our dear ladies, Jan, wrote something very special just for the day. "The Innkeeper's Letter." She had planned to read it in full costume, from the vantage point of the Innkeeper writing a letter to his brother Hiram about the baby born in the stable. Unfortunately, Jan was put into the hospital on Tuesday last week. Ken and I went and took her home yesterday. She didn't feel up to going to church this morning so her niece, Connie, did the skit. It was wonderful! Jan is a very gifted lady! She has written songs as well! We aren't ready for her to leave us just yet, but she told us today that she is ready and eager to get to Heaven. It was so beautiful to see the light in her eyes as she talked of Heaven!
Kenny has been working very hard to finish his last exams. Tonight with the help of his tutor, Dave, he has completed the final exam for his high school requirements! It will hit the mail tomorrow! So, soon after the new year, if not before, Kenny will have his diploma! He's so excited as are his parents! This means now we can begin the process of enrolling him at Bethany Bible College. He also is now allowed to get a full time job further away from home. He hopes to find something to begin in January. He has given his notice at the redemption center in Harrisville.
One more thing, all the money has been raised for the kids to go to LOGOS 5 in Boston! 2 weeks ago we needed over $600! It's all in and even a bit more! God is so good!
Enjoy this special season! Maybe I will take a picture of our tree! Email me one of yours! We'd love to see them!
Nathan played "Silent Night" on the piano. Kenny sang "Mary Did You Know?". Judy sang "We Are the Reason." (the oldies are still goodies!) Ken & Judy did a tandem storytelling titled "No Iguanas Allowed." We had done that our first Christmas in Washington, MI and from then on we had to put an iguana into our Christmas Eve story. So this year, we introduced the iguana to our new congregation!
Cressalyn was supposed to do a flute special but left her flute in her locker at school. Bummer.
I wish we had videotaped the service. It was good! 4 year old Noah sang "Go Tell it On the Mountain" with his daddy. The elementary Sunday school class worked puppets and sang. One of our dear ladies, Jan, wrote something very special just for the day. "The Innkeeper's Letter." She had planned to read it in full costume, from the vantage point of the Innkeeper writing a letter to his brother Hiram about the baby born in the stable. Unfortunately, Jan was put into the hospital on Tuesday last week. Ken and I went and took her home yesterday. She didn't feel up to going to church this morning so her niece, Connie, did the skit. It was wonderful! Jan is a very gifted lady! She has written songs as well! We aren't ready for her to leave us just yet, but she told us today that she is ready and eager to get to Heaven. It was so beautiful to see the light in her eyes as she talked of Heaven!
Kenny has been working very hard to finish his last exams. Tonight with the help of his tutor, Dave, he has completed the final exam for his high school requirements! It will hit the mail tomorrow! So, soon after the new year, if not before, Kenny will have his diploma! He's so excited as are his parents! This means now we can begin the process of enrolling him at Bethany Bible College. He also is now allowed to get a full time job further away from home. He hopes to find something to begin in January. He has given his notice at the redemption center in Harrisville.
One more thing, all the money has been raised for the kids to go to LOGOS 5 in Boston! 2 weeks ago we needed over $600! It's all in and even a bit more! God is so good!
Enjoy this special season! Maybe I will take a picture of our tree! Email me one of yours! We'd love to see them!