Friday, July 28, 2006
Update on us
1. In a "normal" week, not a lot of really noteworthy stuff happens and I'm not wanting to bore anyone with the humdrum of the Davis life.
2. Last week Cressalyn was so very sick and it was so very hot and humid that neither of us did much.
3. This week we all have been a teen camp. Cressalyn is MUCH better, but has lovingly given her sickness to her mother. She's always been so good at sharing!
4. During the months of July and August we aren't having too much time to breathe let alone get sick!
So, because of my sickness, we decided to leave teen camp a day earlier. (yes, we disappointed 2 of our kids.) Kenny will return home Saturday so he can return to work for his last 2 weeks. We stopped at home to do up some laundry and rest a bit. I was VERY sick this morning...but now after sleeping in my bed and not in a moving vehicle, the pain in my head is gone and only my chest hurts. The nausea has ended for now, too.
I have to tell you that Kenny and Jon, his friend, came into my room last night and prayed for me. It was a precious moment. I wish I had felt better to enjoy it!
Ok, in about 30-45 minutes we will head on out from here toward Michigan. We are doing the children's services for the family camp at Bay Shore Camp in Sebawing, MI (I didn't spell it right, I'm sure!)....beginning tomorrow evening. We planned to make the trip in one shot, but Ken is battling severe allergies and I'm not at full steam and Nathan hasn't had much road time so we aren't going to push it. We do hope to be in Toronto tonight.
Please be in prayer for us.
1. For our health
2. For our safety
3. For the freedom of the Holy Spirit to work during this coming week at Bay Shore Family Camp.
Thank you!!
Friday, July 21, 2006
She's 14!!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Bethany Joy

(This is Bethany holding Reagan with Joel! It's the only picture I have of them!)
Friday, July 14, 2006
Sasha Wants Fish
Ken's Day Off

I'm SOOOO glad they were cleaned before they got to my house!
This afternoon Ken and Nathan are joining Tom from the church to go to a museum on Fort Drum. This is a great day for the guys!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Story Family Reunion - 2006
Anyway, the kids and I made the LONG drive to NC Wednesday and returned Saturday. While is was a very long way to go for just 48 hours of visit we are so very glad we were able to do it! Several of my cousins and their families were already gone by the time we got there, but we made wonderful memories with those who were still around!
My kids were able to enjoy a ride on the backs of horses! This was Cressalyn's dream! She loves horses and had never had the chance to ride! Tanglewood in Winston-Salem has a great swimming pool and we were able to enjoy a dip. My mom isn't a swimmer but she went in with a noodle around her. It was too funny to watch her watch the water around! She never learned to swim and in all my childhood I don't remember her ever swimming with me. So this was momentous!
Nathan enjoyed jumping of the diving board and struck up a conversation with a guy that was doing the same. They started comparing jumps and other "techniques." Out of the blue this guy then asked Nathan, "Do you know Jesus Christ?" Nathan immediately responded, "Yes!" and their conversation continued and grew! Come to find out TJ is a missionary to the Ukraine! He's with the Southern Baptist church and has been over there several times. This was a great time for Nathan. He was able to share his passion for the mission field with TJ.
Seeing my Grandma Story was wonderful. She was able to meet her 2 brand new GREAT, GREAT Granddaughters, Reagan and Ella. It was precious!
Pictures can be found here.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
July 4th, 2006
Really, it wasn't bad. We decided to continue out since the rain wasn't heavy. Then the thunder was heard. Where there is thunder, there is lightening. Within moments the rain had stopped and the storm had passed over. We continued out and stopped several times to allow Ken and Jacob to do some fishing. Boy, the fish were biting! The only thing was they couldn't or wouldn't be hooked! Ken had a pretty good sized fish on his line when it snapped! Bummer!
As some of us were beginning to feel the effects of the beverages previously consumed, we decided to meander back to the dock. The raindrops started to fall again. This time, though, the clouds let loose! Heading to shore we looked behind and couldn't see where we had been! 7 of us huddled together in the center of the boat while Tim drove and Ken kept watch. Those of us on the west side of the boat were soaked by the time we got to the dock!
We came home and grilled out for dinner (before the next downpour!) We decided against going to Alexandria Bay for fireworks. The forecast isn't very hopeful. Right now a Star Trek marathon is on TV and it seems to be holding most everyone's attention.
We will end the day with cake, ice cream and watermelon as we celebrate Kenny's special day. It's a shame that we can't do fireworks. 18 years ago I missed the fireworks, too. I had just gotten to my room from recovery when they went off over the water between Portsmouth and Norfolk, VA. This day my head has been filled with many wonderful memories of the past 18 years. It is so hard to believe I have been a mom that long. As I watched Kenny today, I remembered the adorable little boy who was very independent but so willing to help in any way he could. He was a leader from day one. I am looking forward to seeing the Lord continue to work in his life in the years to come. My first little boy is now an adult. Yeah, this is a bittersweet day.
Happy Birthday, Everyone!
18 Years Ago Today......