We were able to take a couple days and get out of town for a small vacation. We decided to go to Vermont because of the close proximity to us! The less time travelling = more free time! Here are some highlights:
First stop, ECHO Aquarium in Burlington, VT. Nathan tried to "uncover" whale bones from the sand.
Ken checked out some fly larvae under the microscope.
A newt.
This turtle would swim up....and then down....up...down.
This turtle tried to bite Cressalyn's finger through the glass! We were grateful for the barrier!
The silver containters there are under a lot of pressure compressing the cheese curd into wheels! The man is releasing the large wheels...38 lbs each.
See the wheels in the back left?
The capitol building in Montpelier, VT.
Ben & Jerry's was a highlight! Of course we got a free sample but not being a family favorite, we just HAD to purchase a pint for each of us! And a t-shirt! We hit it lucky in that they were doing renovations so the tour was free! (It's only $2 regularly!)

I love penguins and look what we saw outside of Ben & Jerry's!!!!!!!
On Saturday we visited Pizza Putt. They had games, indoor mini golf, lazer tag, batting cages, pizza and prizes! This was a great time of fun! Cressalyn began her preparation for softball this spring!

Our weekend was a good one. We were also able to take in the movie "Amazing Grace" on Friday night. We discovered that due to the limited theaters that the movie is showing, we were actually viewing the movie in the only theater to have it in the entire state! How cool is that?
By the way, the movie is wonderful! If you do have the chance to see it in the theater, please do. We try to support those movies in the theater that are worthy of our support. This one is!
One last thing. Nathan has been dealing with some physical issues that aren't going away. Please be in prayer for him and for us as we seek the appropriate medical treatment without over reacting. Ok, so that I do not over react. Ken is doing fine. He's such a man.
We went tubing on Tuesday! 13 teens and 3 adults! The weather was warmer which was nice for the air, but a bummer for the snow. Actually it was "slush tubing." We had a great time any way!
Have you ever felt guilty for not going to church on a Sunday morning? When I was in college and had to work on a Sunday morning, I felt a little guilty but could explain it away. When my children have been sick and didn't understand why they had to stay home and miss church, I understood their "guilt" of not attending. It's part of the fabric of our lives.
Even on vacation when we have talked about not going to church we still end up finding one and attending.
But the real guilt for me has come today. See, last night we had a couple's dinner. It was a fantastic time with 5 other couples. Cressalyn and I did the cooking, but it was mostly in crock pots. Ramona assisted with the decorating so it wasn't all by myself. I had a good time, really enjoying myself!
This morning I woke up sick. Not involving my stomach, but sick. My head hurt, but not in a migraine sort of way. My throat hurt. My face hurt. My neck hurt. So I whined. Hey, I'm the mom and wife who has to listen to members of my family whine when THEY are sick! So it's only fair that when I'm sick I get to whine, too, RIGHT?
So I whined. I felt guilty for whining. Whining doesn't make you feel better. And it is not the best way to evoke sympathy from family members. At least no one asked if I wanted cheese to go with my whine.
My husband told me to stay in bed. If I felt better by 11 I would be allowed to appear for service. So I slept. To 11:36. I didn't feel better. I got up and moved to the couch for a different perspective. When my family came home they prepared leftovers for lunch. I went back to bed after eating. I turned on the "white noise" of the bathroom fan to block out the TV noise. It was Race Day, you know.
Well, I next woke at 6:15 PM. Once again my famiy was at church and I had missed it. Feeling a little better I moved to the couch...again.
Now everyone is sleeping...Ken on one couch, the kids in their rooms. I am awake. Great. Although I think I will be able to go back to sleep. My energy is in spurts I am finding. Tomorrow will be better At least I hope so. If not, the kids will take care of me!
Happy President's Day!
My grandmother is 94 years young! She is a dear lady who loves her Lord with all her heart, mind, soul and strength! She's the mother of 6, grandmother of 16, great-grandmother of 23, and great-great-grandmother of 2!
She was born in China while her parents were missionaries. Grandma grew up and married a man who would enter the ministry. Each of their children have served/are serving the Lord in some form of ministry. Most of their grandchildren are serving the Lord in ministry. What an incredible legacy!
Grandpa left this world and entered the presence of God in 1998. Since then Grandma continued to co-teach a Sunday School class, until her health failed significantly several months ago. Grandma is an ordained minister in the Wesleyan Church. She has lived out her relationship with Jesus in front of her family and friends. What an example!Over the past few months Grandma's health has been declining. She has maintained her faith in and love for her Lord during the difficulties of becoming less and less independent. Each time you sit and talk with her she loves to talk of Heaven and how God has blessed her life and those of her family. She longs to begin her life in Heaven.For whatever reason, God is not ready to bring her to Him. I trust His judgement. He knows what is best for all of us. As a grandchild it is very painful to watch her fade into a limited existence. It is very painful to listen to my mother's anguish over the continuing physical decline of HER mother.
I am asking for your to join me in lifting this precious woman before God. He knows what her needs are in this life and He knows when she will enter the next. My prayer is that her discomfort, pain and struggles will be over quickly. While it is very important to pray for one's physical healing, I am looking forward to her ULTIMATE healing! It is very selfish of me to want to hold her here and keep her from all the God has for her in Heaven. So I give her to MY Lord, HER Lord. She is in His care and His will.

We have measured 24 inches! See the yardstick by Cressalyn's leg?
The parking lot was plowed at 6 AM this morning. Those mounds have been covered by another thick layer of fluffy snow! So it made for an interesting time getting into the back yard to measure and play!
The snow on top of the house looks like it wants to slide off. This is a beautiful sight! We praise God for the beauty He has given us today!By the way, we weren't outside very long. There's so much snow we couldn't play or really do anything but stand! It's too fluffy for packing and too difficult to move around in! Roads are closed, traffic is extremely restricted, and the power could go out. We are warm, dryish, and have plenty of food and other supplies to hunker down! The kids are hoping for a snow day tomorrow, too! They may get it!
Go Colts!
Ok, the first picture is from 1 AM this morning. The snow was coming down and blowing all over! It was so gorgeous!
This morning, this is the same view from our porch! We lost a car!

Our picnic table is nearly buried!
So, with many calls from our people who cannot get out of their drives, we have cancelled all activities for the day. We will enjoy God's beauty from the warmth of our home! If get the urge, though, we may venture out and play for a bit! Whoo hoooo!!!! SNOW!!!!!