Tuesday, July 24, 2007
IMPACT Youth Final Activity
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Kenny, Nathan, Judy, Rob, MaryBeth, Jessie, Brandon, Cressalyn, Jordan & PK.

It was a great time of fun!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
What does this mean to you? Plastic pipes? Ordinarily it means that to me. But not right now.
Let me 'xplain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
9:30 PM Wednesday night - Ken took Judy to ER.
While at the ER Judy was treated for excessive PVC's. This is an irregular beating, "extra beats", of the heart. There were several runs of PVC's. This is not a good thing. Judy's blood pressure was pretty high as well. The medical staff administered 3 doses of medication to lower BP. Blood work came back showing a low magnesium level so a bag of mag was administered. The PVC's weren't ending so Lidocaine was also given. The discussion was that Judy would be admitted but the cardiologist who had been called said he didn't think it was necessary, but Judy was to be in his office Thursday.
2:30 AM Thursday morning - Ken took Judy home.
1:30 PM - Judy went to cardiologist's office. Another EKG, an Echocardiogram, a stress test, and a Holter monitor was administered.
So, the diagnosis is PVC's that have been brought on by increased anxiety. My heart is functioning well and the blood is flowing. It just has some extra beats and tends to dance to a different drummer as my stress level increases.
Stress? What stress? I have no stress.
Let me 'xplain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
9:30 PM Wednesday night - Ken took Judy to ER.
While at the ER Judy was treated for excessive PVC's. This is an irregular beating, "extra beats", of the heart. There were several runs of PVC's. This is not a good thing. Judy's blood pressure was pretty high as well. The medical staff administered 3 doses of medication to lower BP. Blood work came back showing a low magnesium level so a bag of mag was administered. The PVC's weren't ending so Lidocaine was also given. The discussion was that Judy would be admitted but the cardiologist who had been called said he didn't think it was necessary, but Judy was to be in his office Thursday.
2:30 AM Thursday morning - Ken took Judy home.
1:30 PM - Judy went to cardiologist's office. Another EKG, an Echocardiogram, a stress test, and a Holter monitor was administered.
So, the diagnosis is PVC's that have been brought on by increased anxiety. My heart is functioning well and the blood is flowing. It just has some extra beats and tends to dance to a different drummer as my stress level increases.
Stress? What stress? I have no stress.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Marshmallow Paintball 2007
Well, we planned for many more people than actually came. But the 7 of us enjoyed ourselves!
I love this shot!
It appears that PK & Cressalyn were favored targets!
Nathan and MaryBeth having a strategy meeting.
Brandon....is that any way to treat her?
Look out MaryBeth! Cressalyn's on a mission!
Run Jordan!
Everyone for themselves!
Even at close range, MaryBeth often missed her targets!
Poor Cressalyn!

Yellow Cressalyn.
Brandon, Jordan, Nathan & Cressalyn had a blast whipping marshmallows at PK and Miss MaryBeth as well as each other! We are grateful that this year the rain held off. Everyone was messy, but not nearly as messy as last year!

Brandon, Jordan, Nathan & Cressalyn had a blast whipping marshmallows at PK and Miss MaryBeth as well as each other! We are grateful that this year the rain held off. Everyone was messy, but not nearly as messy as last year!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
July 4th
Happy Birthday, America!
First of all, going into today I knew that this 4th would be unlike any we have ever had before. Kenny is not home with us. For the previous 18 birthdays we had been together for Kenny's birthday. Most of them we were successful in watching fireworks as well.
Second, my plans for the day didn't go...well...as planned. I had wanted to take Nate & Cressalyn on the cruise of the St. Lawrence river and Boldt Castle. But it rained. Really, it only spit on us most of the day. We decided instead to head to Sacket's Harbor and check out the 1812 Battlefield and buildings. That turned out to be a good choice.
We were able to picnic under a tree in between raindrops. Then we walked through some shops. With the rain coming down harder we headed back into Watertown for shopping. Who knew that the mall would close early on the 4th? So we purchased movie tickets and went over to Target until movie time.
We saw "Ratatouille." It was a compromise for us. Nathan really wanted the "Live Free Die Hard" "manly" movie. But us girls didn't. So to stay together as a family, we compromised.
Let me just say here that Pixar has always done very quality stuff. This time is no exception. The animation is wonderful! It's a cute story although tougher for me to get sucked into than the previous ones. I mean, I really thought Mike & Sully were real!!
Anyway, "Ratatouille" has some elements of Disney's influence that none of the other joint movies have. This disappoints me. I understand that Disney has more of a controlling interest in Pixar now, if not full ownership. It's a shame that Disney's negative side shows up in movies directed at our kids.
We ended the day back at Sacket's Harbor since the rain ended. The fireworks went on. What was difficult to deal with was the "sub-zero" temps on July 4th! Not really, but it was nippy!

We did sing to Kenny over the phone. He seems to be having a good time with the Johnson family. This is a special time in his life, and a growing one in ours.
Anyway, hope your holiday was a good one! Happy Birthday, my fellow Americans!

Second, my plans for the day didn't go...well...as planned. I had wanted to take Nate & Cressalyn on the cruise of the St. Lawrence river and Boldt Castle. But it rained. Really, it only spit on us most of the day. We decided instead to head to Sacket's Harbor and check out the 1812 Battlefield and buildings. That turned out to be a good choice.
We were able to picnic under a tree in between raindrops. Then we walked through some shops. With the rain coming down harder we headed back into Watertown for shopping. Who knew that the mall would close early on the 4th? So we purchased movie tickets and went over to Target until movie time.
We saw "Ratatouille." It was a compromise for us. Nathan really wanted the "Live Free Die Hard" "manly" movie. But us girls didn't. So to stay together as a family, we compromised.

Anyway, "Ratatouille" has some elements of Disney's influence that none of the other joint movies have. This disappoints me. I understand that Disney has more of a controlling interest in Pixar now, if not full ownership. It's a shame that Disney's negative side shows up in movies directed at our kids.

We did sing to Kenny over the phone. He seems to be having a good time with the Johnson family. This is a special time in his life, and a growing one in ours.
Anyway, hope your holiday was a good one! Happy Birthday, my fellow Americans!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Change doesn't come easy for most people. There are those who will say they are ready for change but when change happens, they can't stand it. In a world where things are changing by the minute it amazes me that some have such a problem with change.
Change happens. The seasons change. The weather changes. Gas prices change. Clothing styles change. People change. Relationships change.
Change is all around us. But the one thing that remains the same isn't a "thing." Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. We get wrapped up in all the things that go on in our lives that we forget the One Who remains constant. He's there to help us through the changes. He's there to offer comfort, guidance, patience.
The Davis Family is going through some changes again. We will be leaving the state of New York in September. Our time here has been filled with ups and downs on so many levels. But through it all, our Lord has strengthened and encouraged us!
We look forward to what the Lord has planned for us as we relocate to Virginia. Please join us in praying for our move and for the congregation we will be leaving behind.
Change happens. The seasons change. The weather changes. Gas prices change. Clothing styles change. People change. Relationships change.
Change is all around us. But the one thing that remains the same isn't a "thing." Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. We get wrapped up in all the things that go on in our lives that we forget the One Who remains constant. He's there to help us through the changes. He's there to offer comfort, guidance, patience.
The Davis Family is going through some changes again. We will be leaving the state of New York in September. Our time here has been filled with ups and downs on so many levels. But through it all, our Lord has strengthened and encouraged us!
We look forward to what the Lord has planned for us as we relocate to Virginia. Please join us in praying for our move and for the congregation we will be leaving behind.