Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Final Post
Ok. We have reached the point where this blog has to officially end. Notice the web address? nydavisfamily. We are no longer a family of Davises living in New York. So a new blog has been created for you to continue to be a part of our lives.
We are also entering the days we call "blackout" days. In my mind they are similar to the moments in the movie "Apollo 13" when the space craft had to slingshot around the moon and lost contact with Earth. Being out of contact with the "world" is very stressful for me. I love to know what's happening. I love to get email. And sometime tomorrow my contact with the outside world will be greatly deminished. Granted, I will still have my cell phone, and the church phone, and snail mail, and television. But the intenet will be gone. **Sigh**
So I bid you all farewell from the upstate region of New York. In a few short days I will rejoin the world of bloggers at our new address ...
What is the deal???
Ok. It's 3:09 AM on Thursday morning. In about 82 hours the Davis family will be relocating to Virginia. But we have to get through the final hours. We haven't got much more to pack and then cleaning and loading is left. BUT!!! We are in desperate need of prayer!
Cressalyn has been sick for a week now. She has been to the ER twice and is currently on 6 different medications including a nebulizer machine. She's no longer allowed to pack or clean anything. I'm fine with that. I just like to hear her breathe.
Nathan went to bed tonight and then an hour later began upchucking. Great. If you know Nathan's history you will be aware that his upchucking tends to land HIM in the ER for fluids and extreme meds to make the puking stop. He's currently asleep. Yay! He did throw up the medication we have from the last ordeal in February.
Ken is entering the phase of the moving process we call "grumpy-pants." He's tired of cardboard. He's got final things to pull together at the church. His family isn't healthy. See the stress? He mentioned a few moments ago as he passed by from the potty that he was just nauseated. Yippee.
Sasha, too, is dealing with her own issues. Her home is invaded with cardboard. There are boxes everywhere and occassionally she has trouble getting to her food and water. She's finding is best to hide under an end table in the living room. She's also eating grass. That, I believe, can be a sign of a sick puppy.
Pray, too, for the congregation of East Pitcairn Wesleyan Church. This is a difficult time for any body of believers. This small group is dealing with some hurts. Pray for peace of mind and spirit and for unity within the Body. They are precious people. Each one.

I am getting over a head cold that so far hasn't decided to settle in my chest as is the usual custom. My prayer is that it stays that way. But then again, I'm up VERY late at night tonight. Wonder what's up with that?

So, if you find the Davis family on your hearts and minds during a quiet moment of your day, please breathe a prayer for us as we make the transition to Virginia.

Friday, August 24, 2007
Kids Camp 2007
Kids Camp has come and gone! And it was a success! No serious injuries and all kids were returned to their proper homes! Yay!
Waterballoon Volleyball
It was so cold the first 3 days. Finally on Thursday it was warm enough to play water games and use the pool. Even then the pool was quite chilly!
Some of these kids are incredible shots! Some still need some growing and practice! One boy said that girls couldn't do archery. The young lady in the group proved him wrong!
The waterslide was use on Wednesday in spite of the cold. Cold water + cold air made for some very interesting reactions!
Oh the horses! The horse in front is Willow. She is full grown and is average sized. Samson is beside her. He, too is full grown. He's a Belgian. Gorgeous! Huge!
Samson loved to play the game "step over the fence and run away from the handlers!" On Wednesday alone he and a few others got out 7 times! It was odd waking to horses just outside our windows!
The week was good! God blessed us with great times of worship and bonding with the kids! Memories!

It was so cold the first 3 days. Finally on Thursday it was warm enough to play water games and use the pool. Even then the pool was quite chilly!

The week was good! God blessed us with great times of worship and bonding with the kids! Memories!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Teen Camp Highlights
Sacandaga has access to a wonderful lake! The kids got to go kayaking, tubing, swimming, canoing. Our kids learned that if there are 4 in a canoe, 3 of you cannot lean in one direction.
Cressalyn, 2nd from left, Jordan, 4th and Nate, 5th competed in this year's Fear Factor. The first round was Grass Jelly. Cressalyn was out. The second round was jack fruit. The third round was kim chi. (If I'm spelling that right.) That's spicy rotten Japanese cabbage. The 5th round was pushing a player on a scooter into a pile of cardboard boxes. The final round came down to our Jordan and Nathan! Pastor Jim brought out 2 real....once alive....well, you will have to ask Nathan and Jordan yourself if you want to know! I seriously gagged my way through videoing the round! In the end, Jordan was crowned the champion of Fear Factor! He was awarded a huge bag of candy! Just what his stomach needed!
MeLisa & Cressalyn. Megan is MeLisa's sister. Kenny is Cressalyn's brother. Shall I explain the connection?
Jordan was going to participate in paintball but due to an unfortunate accident in which he sprained his ankle, he wasn't able to. So he let Cressalyn (in yellow) borrow his gear and she and Brandon (in blue) competed. Unfortunately their pump action guns weren't much of a match for the semi-automatics they faced. During Thursday's round Nathan shot Cressalyn in the head. Doesn't that just sound horrible?
These kids are awesome! Jessie spent a lot of time napping! She's not accustomed to late night activities and action filled days! This was Jordan's and Brandon's first camp experience. They are SOOO looking forward to next year! And in case you are wondering, each of these teens expressed a deeper understanding of God from their time at camp!

Wow, what a week!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Teen Camp
We are having a wonderful time at teen camp! God is moving in the hearts and lives of these kids! We know of one particular teen who is feeling the call of God in her life.
I have a ton of awesome pictures to share but will have to do that when we get home! Be excited! You're gonna love this stuff!
I have a ton of awesome pictures to share but will have to do that when we get home! Be excited! You're gonna love this stuff!