Wednesday, June 28, 2006
16 Years Ago Today....
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Ordination Service

Almonzo Wilder Farm

Ken, the kids and I went to the Almonzo Wilder Farm with Ken's mom in Burke, NY. It's the homestead that he described to Laura as she wrote "Farmer Boy." It's a pretty neat place! Full of history! And beauty!
The tree is the only one on the property that is original from the days when Almonzo and his family lived there. The house is also the only original building. The out buildings have been reconstructed from drawings Almonzo gave Laura, due to them being burned when lightening struck.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
My special day draws to a close....
We had dinner at Pizza Hut Italian Bistro. On our way home we stopped at our new favorite ice cream place in Natural Bridge, NY.
This morning the My kids gave me cards. Nathan seems to find the ones that are crazy and fit his personality! My Mother's Day card from him wouldn't open! Today's card opened backwards!
Cressalyn gave me some new kitchen storage containers. She knows exactly what I need! I had gotten a new can opener last night for under the cabinet and she was relieved she decided against one!
Kenny got home he gave me one of my favorite candies...Peppermint Patties!
I received emails, e-cards, snail mail cards, and phone calls! My niece, Whitney, even called while I was at the grocery store to play "Happy Birthday" for me on the piano! Sorry, Whit! Thanks for the thought!
One of my brothers emailed me a beautiful letter. The other brother called and sang to me. It's funny, he has called me every year for many years...on June 14! This year he actually remember to call me on the 17th! What a guy!
All in all it's been a wonderful day! I have great family, great friends, and lots of love! I think I'm gonna like 37!
(I spoke to someone 3 times today...and yet they didn't even mention my birthday. Yep, they know when it is.)
37 Years Ago Today...
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Today we saw....

Then we saw this! And almost took it out!

Today Kenny saw this.
This could have been a very bad happening. Kenny fell asleep on the way to work this morning. He hit one of the only 2 guardrails on 58! Just before this spot is granite rock.
The drop beyond this guardrail is very large. He's a very lucky boy.
Thursday, June 08, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Even more pix!

Sunday, June 04, 2006
More MI Pix!
Whirlwind Trip to Michigan!

Friends are friends forever if the Lord is Lord of them!