Tuesday, November 28, 2006
IMPACT Youth Meeting
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Thanksgiving Photos
Steve (Ken's older, more balding brother) and Marilyn.
Rod (Ken's younger, also more balding brother) and Brenda.
Ken (Middle Davis boy and clearly retaining all his hair folicles) and Judy.
Pop (caught in mid-bite) and Mom.

Friday, November 24, 2006
Thanksgiving - The Sequel!
We left Greensboro at 10:14 AM. We arrived in Macungie at 6:50 PM. This was a gorgeous day for traveling! Far different from the trip down on Wednesday!
Dinner was ready when we arrived at the Davis Compound. A second huge dinner of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, veggies, sweet potatoes, rolls, and green bean casserole was enjoyed by 14 Davis-type-people. Kenny was really wishing he could have come with us, too!
We topped off dinner with pies of all sorts! Blueberry, pumpkin, apple, pecan and (my personal favorite...) CHOCOLATE!!! My mother-in-law loves me! I'm her favorite! I know this because I was her first daughter-in-law! Whatever Marilyn and Brenda tell you, remember...I AM THE FAVORITE!
Tomorrow will be a bit of shopping with the girls while the guys replace a water pump on the truck. Yes, we have had quite a ride with vehicles in the past couple weeks. We are so thankful the Lord allowed us to make it safely to Macungie so our personal mechanics will be on hand to perform the necessary surgery. Recovery time shouldn't be long so that we will be able to head home later in the day.
God is so good! We are so blessed with family who can love, laugh, work, and play together! Thank you, Lord, for our family!
Dinner was ready when we arrived at the Davis Compound. A second huge dinner of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, veggies, sweet potatoes, rolls, and green bean casserole was enjoyed by 14 Davis-type-people. Kenny was really wishing he could have come with us, too!
We topped off dinner with pies of all sorts! Blueberry, pumpkin, apple, pecan and (my personal favorite...) CHOCOLATE!!! My mother-in-law loves me! I'm her favorite! I know this because I was her first daughter-in-law! Whatever Marilyn and Brenda tell you, remember...I AM THE FAVORITE!
Tomorrow will be a bit of shopping with the girls while the guys replace a water pump on the truck. Yes, we have had quite a ride with vehicles in the past couple weeks. We are so thankful the Lord allowed us to make it safely to Macungie so our personal mechanics will be on hand to perform the necessary surgery. Recovery time shouldn't be long so that we will be able to head home later in the day.
God is so good! We are so blessed with family who can love, laugh, work, and play together! Thank you, Lord, for our family!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today we shared the parade, turkey, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls, veggies, gravy and Waldorf Salad! After dinner the dads took a nap! Then we drove to High Point to see Grandma Story.
What a delight! She is so precious! She spent the day at my Aunt Becky's and returned just as we arrived at her place! She
was tired from the day's events but said, "It's a good tired!" Mom, Cressalyn and I helped her get into her night clothes and into bed. Grandma told us that she's still not sure why God hasn't called her home. I told her there was still wallpaper that needed to be done on her mansion. Then she said with a twinkle in her eye, "Maybe Daddy isn't finished painting!"

It was a joy to hear her talk of Heaven! She told each of us that she is praying for us and watching to see the kids grow and the direction God leads them. She told Ken she prays for his ministry. That is so awesome!
We don't know how many more holidays we will have with her in this world. Grandma said she feels this is her last Thanksgiving. We'll see.
I am so thankful for a godly heritage! I am so thankful that my children are all serving the Lord!
Thank you, Lord!
It Thanksgiving Day! Yesteray we made our way from PA to NC. Kenny left SC and headed to NC. We actually arrived at Nana & Papa's 5 minutes after Kenny! Pretty good! Although Kenny should have arrived a lot sooner. He hit a ton of traffic and the weather was less than perfect for travel. Here's a look at the results of his traveling experience. 
Yes, Kenny's car is missing some of the front grill. In the traffic near Charlotte, the lady in front of Kenny stopped short and Kenny reacted... but not soon enough. He hit her. They were going very slow so the damage to her vehicle wasn't bad. But what frustrates this mother is that her first words to Kenny was "You aren't going to run off, are you?" He assured her he would remain at the scene. Her next question/ statement was "You DO have insurance, don't you?" Yes. Of course. He was being stereotyped already!
The police came and took all the information. He was given a ticket and everyone was sent on their way. The lady was careful to tell Kenny that her husband was not going to be happy (who would be happy???) and that the car is brand new. (Of course it is!! You can't be lucky to rearend a old beater of a car!!)
These are the first pictures of Kenny on Thanksgiving Day! There will be more as the day goes on!

The police came and took all the information. He was given a ticket and everyone was sent on their way. The lady was careful to tell Kenny that her husband was not going to be happy (who would be happy???) and that the car is brand new. (Of course it is!! You can't be lucky to rearend a old beater of a car!!)
These are the first pictures of Kenny on Thanksgiving Day! There will be more as the day goes on!

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Praise the Lord!!
Kenny's results are that he has shin splints. There is no sign of infection! Yippeee!!!! Thank you all for your prayers!
He went today and got a brace for his ankle/leg and he reports that it feels so good! He doesn't need to have the crutches, either.
Praise the Lord!
He went today and got a brace for his ankle/leg and he reports that it feels so good! He doesn't need to have the crutches, either.
Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
List of Updates - Pray with us, Please!
1. Kenny's bone scan went well. We are awaiting the results in the next couple days.
2. Judy is having a tremendous increase in migraine occurances.
3. We are travelling a lot this week for various appointments.
We ask for your continued prayers during these days.
Thank you.
2. Judy is having a tremendous increase in migraine occurances.
3. We are travelling a lot this week for various appointments.
We ask for your continued prayers during these days.
Thank you.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Pray for Kenny
Satan attacks when you are in the center of God's will. Our Kenny has had a battle during this first semester at college. When he arrived he had a relapse of the infaction in his knee. That has been taken care of for now. Also, in the weeks prior to leaving for school Kenny injurred his leg at teen camp. Then Kenny struggled a bit to get a job. The next thing that happened was his relationship with Sarah ended. Now, he was cleared to participate in the cross country team's events about a month ago.
Last Saturday he ran over 5 miles in his last meet. He began having pain in his left leg but continued through the race to finish. By Sunday night he was in some severe pain. When he left work he went to the ER. (Kenny is the one in the back, center - check out the hair!)
Today Kenny was evaluated by an orthopedic doctor. He is scheduled for a bone scan next Tuesday. They are looking at a possible tear in his ankle and for possible stress fractures in his shin.
Please join us in praying for Kenny's healing. He is out of work now until it is decided what the next step is in his treatment. He's only been working a few weeks and is planning to come home for Christmas. Pray that things will heal quickly so he doesn't miss any classes. Thank you.

Today Kenny was evaluated by an orthopedic doctor. He is scheduled for a bone scan next Tuesday. They are looking at a possible tear in his ankle and for possible stress fractures in his shin.
Please join us in praying for Kenny's healing. He is out of work now until it is decided what the next step is in his treatment. He's only been working a few weeks and is planning to come home for Christmas. Pray that things will heal quickly so he doesn't miss any classes. Thank you.
Friday, November 03, 2006
The Law of Physics
What goes up must come down.
What happens when a 37 year old woman walks across a parking lot and steps on a stick?
I wish there had been a video camera present! I wish I had been able to be the one behind the camera! I wish I had been paying closer attention to where my feet we going!
When a 37 year old woman steps on a stick in the parking lot her ankle rolls and she hits the ground and rolls to her back.
Honestly, I really wanted to look up at the blue sky from a better perspective!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Fall Concert

Look carefully at the closer one of Cressalyn playing the flute.