Saturday, April 28, 2007
Full Time - Week One
Wow. I haven't worked full time since we moved from Pennsylvania in 2000! I did work at the school in Greenville, but that was school hours and not as many hours. This is 37.5 hours each week.
Now, with so many people out of work or in situations where they are completely unable to work, I am in no way complaining about having a full time job. I am very grateful for the work! But I am struggling to adjust to the schedule and the demands on my feet.
My feet have given me trouble since before I was 20. So this is nothing new, but as a bank teller, I am on my feet for the entire day. All my previous jobs had been at a desk or computer of sorts. My first job was as an EKG Techinician. There were days I was running a lot between patients, but not standing. This is new.
So while I am adjusting to the new schedule and the pain/discomfort that my feet are dealing with, I am excited about the people I am meeting. Bank customers are unique people! There are some who come in every day with transactions for their places of employment. There are some who come in only on pay day. And there are some who come in once they have collected nearly $1900 in coins! (Yes, this happened this week! It was already rolled, though!)
I have to say that my all time favorite part of this job is the customers who come with very special features. These are the ones who come up to the drive up window drooling. They may be in the front seat, back seat, or even in the back of the pickup truck. I'm talking about the puppies that come looking for the treats that we will give them! Ok, not many of them are puppies any longer. But they are all so adorable!
One dog was barking at the window with such energy! Her owner said she was barking at the "dog" in the window!!! How cute! One dog was on his owner's lap in the driver's seat and as I pushed the drawer out to collect the papers for the transaction, he came close to jumping into the drawer! That would have been a sight!
Big dogs, tiny dogs, droolers, multiple dogs...I am loving them all! I wish I could keep my camera handy to take pictures of them to share with you!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Ladies Retreat

I was privileged to attend the ladies retreat this year. Our church covered my expense and for that I am so grateful! Being a committee member, I really needed to attend!
I was put in charge of all the sound and multimedia for the 5 rallies. This I can do. This is one of my passions! Whoo hooo! So I worked on preparing some fun slide shows in power point and gathered all my "supplies." When I arrived at the retreat center I found the equipment was there, but poorly assembled. So I worked and traced and located the items I would be using and got everything all in working order.
At the first moment of the first rally, I pressed the button
to start the cute musical opening of the "Total Woman" retreat...(to the theme of "Wonder Woman!")...and nothing happened!

Thus began a VERY frustrating 2 hour rally! Every element of the program had some sort of glitch or failed to work at all. Our speaker, Kay DeKalb Smith, handled every bump with style and class! Wow! She completely went with the flow and didn't allow any frustration to show! I was truly impressed!
I was also truly frustrated! This is not the way you want things to go! This is the type of stuff that makes people forget the focus they are supposed to have. There were so many distractions.

But in spite of it all, God came. He settled into the midst of the women and the rallies, and every part of the retreat.
None of the rallies had every technical element work smoothly. But I learned to flow. I don't always flow easily in the midst of turmoil. God blessed with wonderful times in His presence!
Thank you, Father God!
Monday, April 09, 2007
How Was YOUR Easter?
We had a great day! In spite of the fact we had blizzard-like conditions for most of the day, we had a great day! 4 new souls were added to the Kingdom! How cool is that?? And the kicker.....on Tuesday 6 were added as well!!! So that makes 10 from our little congregation of believers! Whoo hoooooo!!!
Ken had handed out commitment cards a couple weeks ago for us to write the number of those we would be praying would make a decision for Christ by Easter. The numbers ranged from 2-7. God blessed us with 10!

Share with us your Resurrection Day activities! We'd love to hear them!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall
For anyone familiar with the Davis family, you will understand how serious a FALL is to us. For those of you new to us, let me sum up. Ken fell 20 feet October 13, 1988 and broke his back. So if ever my beloved is off the ground more than 6 inches, I nearly go into convulsions.

The call in 1988 came to me at home. The call YESTERDAY came to me at the church. Yes, I received a call from Ken that he had fallen. I was so impressed with how calm I was, how collected I remained. Instantly I could tell he was in trouble, just by the sound of his voice. "You have to come meet me." First thought was that the truck had quit. "I fell" were the next words.
In short, Ken had taken a large piece of furniture that no longer was useable to the garbage transfer station. The tailgate of the truck took a lot of effort to open and as it came open, Ken lost his footing and FELL INTO THE GARBAGE TRUCK!
Now, looking back and replaying the picture I have created in my mind, it is quite the funny story! What I would have given to have a video of this event!! At the time, though, he realized he was hurting. Luckily there was garbage in the truck and he landed on that instead of the metal bottom. He messed up his left foot and ankle in the process, though.

Today the swelling and the discoloring is WAY worse! They say it's normal. It sure doesn't look normal!!

The radiology reports a heel spur and swelling but no fracture. I guess that's good.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
2 Chronicles 7:14
When I was growing up, my parents were traveling in full-time evangelism. We were in a different town every week holding special revival services. Dad did the preaching and he and Mom and I would do the music. I heard some of Dad's messages so often that I had them memorized.
The same thing goes for the songs, too. Like messages that are just perfect for an opening or closing service of a revival, so too, are there songs perfect for certain messages. Mom sang one nearly every week that one of those perfect songs. "If My People." This song is completely taken from the scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Solomon has just built the temple in Jerusalem and dedicated it to the Lord. The Lord then appears to Solomon and tells the king that his prayer has been heard. He then tells Solomon, "if MY people," not yours, Solomon, "if MY people, who are called by MY name," not yours, Solomon, "will humble themselves and pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
I have always thought of this scripture as one for those who haven't yet asked Jesus into their hearts and lives. Therefore, it doesn't apply to me. Right? I was 14 when I asked Jesus into my heart. He and I have been in a growing love relationship for nearly 24 years! But as I read that scripture today I see that it is NOT at all intended for those who haven't asked Jesus into their hearts!
Ok, I know that in the Old Testament the Israelites didn't know who Jesus was. And being descendants of Abraham, they themselves were the chosen people...those called by God. But since we have the New Testament, we have JESUS! This means that once we have accepted the full and free forgiveness of Jesus we are then CALLED BY GOD!
So, "if my people, who are CALLED BY MY NAME," means ME! Not just the ones who are living in "wicked ways". ME! I have said many times to many people that we are human first and Christians second. Therefore the human-ness of us continues to struggle against the flesh and against the world around us that is so full of temptations and sin and Satan.
My pastor, who is also my husband, put a challenge to us as his congregation a couple weeks ago to participate in a "Day of Prayer" on April 4 from 6 AM to 9 PM. He had preached a message on praying for those around us, family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, who do not know Jesus personally and begin asking God to show us who to invite for Easter Sunday. God placed a name on my heart almost immediately and I have been praying for her. I have talked with her several times about coming to church Easter and will do so again in the coming 2-3 days.
So today is April 4. From 6 AM - 9 PM the church building was open for us to come together, or separately, to pray as a corporate body for several things. God had laid some specific instructions on our pastor's heart and he had set up several "stations" for us to go through.
First, a "Hand Washing" station. A large bowl of water was placed at near the entrance to the sanctuary for us to "wash" our hands. As we did we were to pray for the ministry that we each have and for those who we come in contact with on a daily basis.
Second, a "Praise" station. Here was a bulletin board with pushpins, note cards and pencils. We were to sit and praise God for His blessings in our lives and then to write on the card one praise that has happened in the past 6 months. Then we were to place them on the board to share with those who would come in behind us.
Third, the "Cross" station. A cross had been fashioned out of 2 pieces of wood and centered in front of the altar. There was a single nail where the hands and feet of Jesus had been nailed. There were note cards with holes punched in the top. We were to take a card and write down the names of those around us who do not know Jesus. Then we were to pray specifically for these names and hang the card on the cross.
Fourth, the "Intercessory Prayer" station. At the table that has been used for collecting hats for Bobby Carpenter, there was a plain white hat and permanent markers along with the latest update on Bobby's condition and his picture. We were to stop and pray specifically for Bobby and his family during these difficult days of treatment and transition. Then we were to sign the hat that will be sent to Bobby later on.
Fifth, the "Prayer Walk." If we were able, we were asked to either walk around the outside of the church building, praying for our congregation and parsonage family and the ministry of the church, or to walk in one or more direction of the roads around the church, praying for the families living in those homes. It was raining pretty much when I was in the church, so I prayed for each person who sits in the pews each week.
Honestly, the entire process wasn't very long in time. But is very precious! I thoroughly enjoyed sitting in the silence later in the day reading God's word.
And yet, even with this wonderful experience of praying for the congregation that I am a member of and the ministry of the church that I am a part of, my heart is breaking. Why? Because only 5 people chose to participate in this Day of Prayer. 4 of them are Davises.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Buick Riviera Meets North Country Wildlife
This feather is from the FIRST grouse that my husband hit tonight. There was no way to get away from it! Poor bird! Feathers flew and some stuck in the grill. Then on a different road about 10 minutes later...ANOTHER one! My dad said I should collect them and cook them up!! NOT!!
Sasha had a fit over the feather, though! She would have LOVED to get her paws on those birds!

I told Ken that he's working up to larger game. He took out a bunny a few weeks ago! One day...a deer. Hopefully NOT!